This dress was a challenge for me! The pattern itself is a 1960’s replica pattern, which was not too difficult, BUT I needed to size the pattern to fit Mia (my daughter, for those of you who don’t know me personally). The pattern also included fun facts about 1960’s fashion.
Enough being distracted by fun facts, back to the problem of sizing the dress. I had never sized a pattern, and have no training in this at all. I actually have no training when it comes to sewing. I think I picked some of it up through osmosis, by being around my grandma. Whatever else I know how to do I taught myself. I tried to watch some YouTube videos on sizing patterns, but they seemed more confusing than helpful. I decided to go it alone.
I decided to measure the difference in between each size, then increase it accordingly to the size I needed. I had no idea if this would work. I measured and marked the new size, but needed a curved ruler to accurately draw the new lines of the pattern.
Then it came to me, I am the owner of a curved ruler! DUH! When my grandma passed away she had an antique trunk in her sewing room that she had already specified belonged to my sister and I when she passed. She put things in the trunk that she wanted us to have when she was gone. Inside the trunk was an antique wooden ruler.
There was a handwritten note from grandma on the back that said, “Used by Nancy Sophrona Johnson in Fresno, about 1920-1922, she worked for a tailor.” Nancy Sophrona Johnson was my great-grandma on my grandpa’s side of the family. She lost her first husband to Spanish Flu, and had to work as a seamstress to support herself and her son. She later remarried and had my grandpa. Grandpa inherited the ruler when she passed, and now, since my sister doesn’t sew, I am the proud keeper of the ruler. For fun, here’s a pic of Nancy Sophrona, original owner of the ruler.
I was nervous to use the ruler, it’s old and very important to me, but I liked the thought of being able to use something that she used. Would I measure up to a professional seamstress… I was nervous!
The ruler is the perfect thing for drafting patterns. You can turn it one way or the other to find almost the perfect curve every time!
Seems like I’m doing it right. Time to pin it, cut it out, and get to work!
So nervous…
Sewing on the sleeve…
My pattern alterations worked!
My great-grandma’s ruler saved the day!
Guess the roots of sewing run deep in my family!
As for me, onto the next!