Sometimes I start a project with one thing in mind. Who the project is for, and what I’m going to do with the photo shoot. Then, as life does, circumstances change and a project will end up somewhere I had not at first intended.
I started making this apron, and the child version, for a charity raffle. I had this cute, make up themed fabric. I thought it would be perfect for a “Mother-Daughter” apron set.
I got to work on the adult apron first. I started prepping the pockets that were on the front of the apron.
Two pockets, both alike in size.
I was ready to mark the front piece for pocket placement.
It was around this time that the raffle event was cancelled. I then started toying with the idea of selling these aprons. I get told all of the time that I should sell some of the things I make. I’ve thought about an Etsy shop, or selling things on Facebook. Would things I make even sell? While I sewed I thought about it, and of course talked it over with my think tank.
Stitching along and still thinking. At this time Christmas was approaching, perhaps someone would want to buy these aprons as a gift. What if someone did and they needed to be shipped? So many thoughts.
Hemming up the sides.
Right sides together, working on the neck strap.
The directions called for it to be a thin neck strap.
Pockets all pinned and ready to be sewn on.
How much would I sell these for if I went that route? The thoughts continued.
The child’s apron was one simple piece, hemmed around the raw edges. It, however, had button holes at the sides for the straps to fit through, and tie around at the back.
Then they were finished and I had a decision to make.
I decided that this time I would give them to my sister in law, Felna, and niece Lauren. I dropped the aprons off at their house, but took no pictures of them modeling the finished product. Lauren had the flu.
I still haven’t decided about selling the things I make. I guess it’s time for some reader feedback. I know I have blog fans that faithfully read each week. It’s you that I now pose these questions to.
Should I sell some of my sews?
Would people buy them?
Any feedback and opinions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you faithful readers!
As for me, onto the next!
I love the aprons!! Felna and Lauren are going to look so adorable cooking, baking together! I wear aprons when I cook! I think you should sell your items!! You have a lot of fantastic items!!! Sell baby sell!! ♥️♥️
Of course people would buy your items! They are all amazing!
Really cute! And what a great idea for mother and child sets! I hope you add photos later of Felna and Lauren wearing them. I think you should sell. I would buy a set if I had a little one…oh wait…I will have a little one in about 6 months😁❤️ What a great idea for grandmas to have a matching apron with their grandchild! Let me put in an order for the future. You know I’ll have to teach him/ her to bake❤️❤️❤️
I’m so excited Aunt Tamy is going to be a grandma!!!
Aprons are adorable!!
Of corse you should sell! Even sew items for people personally. There aren’t really cute items that someone might want for a special event!
Cute! Several years back i was given an apron for my favorite football team. This would be another option…football, basketball, baseball, etc.
Absolutely!! They are adorable!! I’d certainly buy them!!
Well yes! You’re a seamstress so it’s also handmade with YOUR name on it. Some people like quality over quantity and yours also comes from the heart. Also, don’t be afraid to charge simple fees for small favors. It’s your work, your talent. If people can take advantage of that they will. Never be afraid to charge what most would pay for if it were at the store. If they don’t pay it, well on their way they go. Next customer
I always wear an apron (or pinny, as we call them here 🇬🇧) when cooking. Id definitely buy some from you if it didn’t cost too much for overseas postage. They look great. You are so talented x
Very cute mother /daughter set! Of course people would buy them! Lots of questions to ask yourself as to whether you WANT to sew to sell but you most certainly could!!