“Do one thing every day that scares you.”~Eleanor Roosevelt
My cousin Melanie sent me a cute idea on Facebook recently. Someone had bought this book, then made their own little ghost quilt to match it. Since I work at an elementary school, and with kindergartners, I thought I might as well make my own little ghost quilt too!
First I ordered the book, since I didn’t own it. I wanted to look at all of the pictures and make sure my fabric choices would be similar to the fabric that made up the ghost in the book.
I pulled out blues and tans from my scrap bins and got to work. I decided to cut the squares for the quilt into 5 inch blocks.
Since I was making it up as I went along, I just kept cutting fabric with no rhyme or reason. The ghost quilt in the book has no specific pattern.
Making sure my blocks are 5 X 5.
I laid the quilt out. It is 8 squares X 8 squares. Although this is an easy quilt, I struggled because I wanted to put the pieces into some sort of pattern! I had to just lay them out. My only rule was that two fabrics that were the same couldn’t be next to each other.
I had the front all sewn together.
I decided to use leftover muslin from my blouse as the backing fabric. (See previous blog post, “A Simple Enough Blouse”.) I laid the muslin and quilt top with the right sides together. Both of these pieces were laid on top of the batting. I was going to do the flip method instead of quilting and assembling it like a traditional quilt.
I pinned all around the outside edge.
I sewed all around the outside edge, leaving a spot open for turning.
Once it was all sewn and turned, I close the open edge by top stitching, and also top stitch all the way around.
I then had to cut a face out of black felt. I pinned it on to try to get the placement right.
I decided to make him smile since at the end of the book he is. (No spoilers here, you’ll have to read the book yourself to know all about him.)
I used a hollow, styrofoam pumpkin and a selfie tripod to make him stand up. I was happy with him so off to school he went!
The kids loved him and the book. He’s now on display in our school library until November.
The Little Ghost Who Was A Quilt was a quick sew, and so much fun! It also inspired me to do some new things with my scrap! Stay tuned for that!
But by now you know I have more projects in progress, and in the works, so stay tuned for all of it!
As for me, onto the next!
This is SO cute! I love this idea so much and I am so glad that Melanie sent this idea to you! Well sewn and adorable! 🙂
I’m so glad you made this! So cute & something for all the kiddos to enjoy this month! I just knew you would love the idea! ❤️👻❤️
How special to share this in the library for many to enjoy. Think about how many kids will remember this when they are older.
What a special idea! Absolutely love it! I love that it’s on display and so many kids will be able to see it. I’m sure it will inspire some of them to read this book, and might spark a love for reading❤️❤️❤️
Such a cute, awesome idea to make and share in the school library!! I can see visions of a Christmas ghost too!! 😁
Love this! 👻🧡
Brilliant idea making the wee ghost ‘come to life’ for the children!
I was thinking of making this, along with the book, for a baby shower? We know, this little one is a baby boy. I think? I should use black fabric, instead of felt?
I was thinking of tying it? To tell you the truth, I’m not too sure what the best ways is.
Hi! I used felt for the eyes because it is stiffer. Also, my little ghost was for decoration only. If I was going to make if for use I would probably use black fabric. Tying it is simple and a great technique, especially if you are pressed for time. Ultimately do what feels right to you! A homemade gift is wonderful to give!
I had heard one time that Persian rug makers always weave in a mistake into their work because “only God can make perfection”, so that’s my theory on all things I make! Hope that helps!