“Our most treasured family heirloom are our sweet family memories. The past is never dead, it is not even past.”~William Faulkner
My Grandma Barbara was the best grandma in the world. I was loved and spoiled by her. She would never say no when I asked for a toy at the grocery store. She would work long hours as an RN, but would always let me stay the night with her if I asked. She always kept her nails painted, and would let me paint my nails with her, even though I made a mess of it. She also painted chalk-ware as a hobby. It was the late 1970’s, early 80’s so chalk-ware was the “in” thing. She would let me paint with her, also a mess on my part. She would let me get all of the little band aid’s out of the metal band aid container to put on my baby dolls. She would let me pick out any kind of breakfast cereal I wanted. She made me dresses, blankets, and of course, Halloween costumes. She would listen to me when I talked to her, always patient.
The last time I saw her she was busy planning a baby shower for my Aunt Carol. I sat at the kitchen table and read her the book, “Ferdinand The Bull”. I messed up some words by getting tongue tied and she laughed and laughed. It’s a wonderful memory for me to have. To lose her when I was 7 years old, was a tremendous loss. I have so many warm and wonderful memories of her. She loved me so much in those 7 years, that even today I miss her. I remember how much she loved me, and how special her family was to her. She was so strong, she would want all of us to be strong too. Life isn’t always perfect, but we can never let it ruin our spirit, just like it never ruined hers.

So what does that have to do with Halloween and sewing? Well of course I’m going to tell you! My Grandma Barbara made Michelle a witch costume for Halloween one year. I wanted to be Mork From Ork, so I had a store bought costume. I still remember the struggle to breathe with that mask on! HA!

The witch costume got saved and I ended up with the cape from it. Mia wore it when she was 4 years old. (Sadly, I can’t find the picture of Mia wearing it. It exists, but at the moment it’s too hard to find.) The cape had holes in it, so I used some Halloween fabric to put patches on it.
While looking through old patterns at a second hand store one day, I found the pattern that Grandma had used to make the witch costume. She also used this pattern the next year to make Michelle and I princesses. We had glitter crowns and a glitter star on the end of a small wooden dowel as a wand. I felt like princess.
Of course, I bought the pattern, a 1976 beauty.

Since Alice just turned 4, I thought she would be the perfect little witch in the family. Yes, Alice did want to be a witch so it was perfect!
I pulled to old pattern out of the envelope and had to first make sure that all of the pieces were there. Someone had just wadded the poor thing up, but yes, all of the pieces were there.

I laid the cape piece down on the cape Grandma had made. The pattern I had was the exact size of the pattern Grandma had used.

The rest was simple enough. A front and back, in orange Halloween fabric that Alice picked out from my stash.

The sleeves would have to be solid black. There wasn’t enough orange so we were improvising.

Sewing the front and back pieces together.

Pinning the sleeves into place.

Hemming it up!

There was a new hole by the patch I had sewn on when Mia was a witch. I cut a square of Alice’s fabric to cover the new hole with.

I also found another hole so I sewed on another patch. I figured it would be a fun tradition if every little witch who wore the cape got a new witch dress, and added their own patch to the cape. (Or perhaps a little warlock will wear it some Halloween….I’m thinking of you baby Bert!)

Alice was the cutest little witch Halloween night!

She had fun dressing up and going trick or treating.

Mom, Dana also dressed like a witch to match Alice.

Wrapped in a cape sewn with so much love.

Alice has stolen another witches hat!

The fringe Grandma used is beautiful and has held up really well!

Christoper, wearing the cape, with Dana and Alice. Such a sweet family picture on a fun night.

Halloween this year was a hit!

I’m glad that Grandma’s homemade Halloween costume continues to be a gift for all of those who wear it. She probably never thought that something so simple would touch multiple generations and members of her family.
She left us more than some chalk-ware, dresses, blankets, and a witch cape. She left us love, strength, and each other.
As for me, onto the next!
Alice loved her witch costume so much she wore it again the next year. Here are the updated pictures of her wearing it with a friend on Halloween 2024!
With an friend at the trunk or treat!

Enjoying some candy with Dad!

And there was even a little horse for the kids to visit with at the trunk or treat!

I’m glad that Alice still likes her witch costume, maybe we’ll see it again next year!
Absolutely adorable! I love the fabric reminds me of the little girls outfit from Hocus-Pocus.
My heart is bursting 😢 Alice is so darn cute in her witch costume. Barbara is watching and has the biggest smile on her face ❣️ She is missed everyday by us too. ❤️❤️❤️
Cherished memories for you. Love that your making new ones for another generation, Alice looks so cute as a little witch
My sweet little Alice is the cutest witch ever!!! Such a cute costume.
Growing up, Hand-Me-Downs we’re at times all I knew. I can remember back to school shopping at the Goodwill and other second hand stores. I enjoyed this thoroughly!
The patches was a wonderful touch! Patches always remind of my childhood. My brother would always get holes in his knees and my Mom and Grandma would sew patches on his pants! He wasn’t as fond of patches as I am!
It was a wonderful read and very touching. I cried through most of it. Very touching. The consumes and vintage pictures are awesome! Thank you for sharing, it all!
Beautiful work!
Another great make for future generations to covet! Your Grandma was such an inspiration to you & a wonderful creative lady! Alice looks adorable in her new dress & heirloom cape.
Thanks for the update…Alice is still just adorable ❤️
Absolutely adorable! Great story of your Grandma! Alice is growing like a weed! Love watching her grow up! Happy Post Halloween!! 🎃 👻🧡
Absolutely adorable! Great story of your Grandma! Alice is growing like a weed! Love watching her grow up! Happy Post Halloween!! 🎃 👻🧡