“Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure… than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”~Theodore Roosevelt
While second hand shopping one day Rhonda found this pattern.

It was in this bag, and someone had cut the skirt out but never sewn it. She thought it would be fun for me so she bought it. I was excited to finish something that someone had started long ago!

When I pulled it out of the bag the backside of the fabric looked like this. I was very curious to see the design and color.

When flipping it I saw this! Not bad, polyester, but not the worst thing from the 70’s that I’ve ever seen.

I started sewing the already cut pieces together.

Pinning in a vintage zipper.

I thought the green zipper matched the fabric well.

Once the skirt was finished I needed a shirt to go with it. I decided to make the shirt that came with the pattern. I bought some white polyester. I figured it was the best choice to go with a vintage polyester, and I would never match the green of the skirt.

The shirt has a zipper up the back.

Sewing in the back and neck facing.

Hemming and prepping the sleeves for assembly.

All finished, AND…….it looks terrible on everyone who tried it on! So this sew is a flop!

I’ll probably just set the skirt aside and see if I can do something with it in the future. The shirt might be OK paired with some jeans, we’ll see.
It was fun, however to finish up a vintage project, even if it didn’t turn out as expected.
You win some and you lose some!
As for me, onto the next!
That’s to bad. I like the pattern of the skirt. I kind of think the white of the shirt is a big contrast…I don’t know. I think it would look good with jeans. Well, on to the next❤️❤️❤️