“Never give up on something that you can’t go a day without thinking about.” ―Winston Churchill
People usually ask me, where do you find the time to sew? Well the answer used to be after work. You see, I only worked a part time job and would be home by 1:00 everyday. Then things changed. This summer I started a new job, which is full time. I no longer get off of work in the early afternoon, so as you can imagine my time has become limited.
Trying to find the balance of working full time, keeping up with household things, and sewing has been eluding me! There are only so many hours in the day and finding my schedule for it all hasn’t happened yet. Plus as I’ve mentioned in previous posts I’ve been working on something that was incredibly time consuming.
With all of that being said, and with Marisa still doing craft fairs, I decided to make yet another apron. They are usually simple and quick to make, and I really wanted a blog post this week!
I chose this pattern and some fun fabric.

I got to work cutting out the few pieces that were needed for the pattern.

Pinning it at the sleeves.

Once the sleeves were sewn you attach trim if you wanted the “ruffled sleeve” look. Since I had this trim laying around I decided to use it. You then attach bias tape to the edges.

Moving right along with the bias tape.

Putting it around the neck opening.

Then it happened. I realized I had sewn the bias tape on the wrong side of the fabric. I would have to seam rip out all of the trim and bias tape that I had sewn. So I sat and seam ripped. It took three hours. Towards the end of the three hour mark, I was tired, not paying attention, and caught the wrong thing with my seam ripper. The fabric ripped and I would have to start all over.
Please feel free to cry at this point, I almost did.
I had just given someone a whole speech about not rushing your sews, and not to do things when you’re tired or frustrated. If you do it will only make things worse. I always say, set it aside and go back to it with fresh eyes later.
I had not taken my own advice.
Feeling the pressure of limited time in my life for things like my sewing had made me rush.
The next night I picked out new fabric and went to work again.

Cutting out the pattern, again.

Pinning on the trim, again.

Sewing on the bias tape, again.

This time I made it far enough to sew the apron ties, right sides together. Then flip!

More bias tape edging.

Prepping the pockets, I was in the home stretch! BUT I was tired, and really feeling rushed.

Now here’s the part I didn’t get picture of. I messed up one of the pockets and had to seam rip again!!!
I got them fixed though, and got the apron finished!
It was night when I took the finished pictures and I had add more light to my house. Looks like the poor apron is under a spotlight. But trust me, I don’t have time to stage and take more pictures. These will have to do!

The back of the apron has a unique design. I think it turned out alright. That’s all I can say, I’m tired and it’s alright.

I do not like rushing my sews. I do not like making simple mistakes because I’m too tired to pay attention. It’s frustrating and honestly, makes me feel defeated.
How do you balance it all; work, household chores, cooking, getting in some sort of exercise, and for me, sewing? Does something always have to go by the wayside? I do not have the answer but never fear faithful readers, I’m too stubborn to give up! So YES……
As for me, onto the next!
P.S. Stubbornness or determination set in and I was able to snip around and save the Pepsi apron! So whatever seems to be getting the best of you, don’t let it! Keep on trying! ~Nicole

So glad you could save the Pepsi apron. It’s so cute . Love the back, I’ve never seen that pattern before.
Been there. You’re right about setting aside but sometimes we just don’t heed our own advice. But both aprons turned out great!! Be proud not defeated. I love that Pepsi apron!! If you’re selling it PM me!!
Well done! Accidents happen! Been there, done that…snipped a ruffle as I was trimming the seam on a dress I was making in high school home economics. I was crushed😢 fixed it with iron on interfacing.. They both turned out super cute!❤️❤️❤️